Thursday, August 14, 2014


Since the longest I can remember, I have had memories. Memories that I valued to the highest realm of contemplating them as being celebrated as the stories that will make me popular someday, because the very old princess playtime themes of fights, pains, murmurs, rants and boredom were always thoughts to be of worth after it was past.
I believe that I have desire too many things in my life.
Got rather less of the expected and more of the unexpected bliss.
It never turned out as thought to be,
but nevertheless it became part of the innate, fine and fitting at last.

But, now.
At this juncture when realisation bellows a life sans all contentment, exaltation and excitement ahead, I have started to generate a hatred against most of the people in my vicinity.
All of them seem like monstrous creatures waiting to pound on me. It feel like once I had heaven all to me,
and today even hell ain't mine!

Standing at the peak of having surpassed the impetuous rebellions, I pause at this phase that people refuse to talk about.
The winning abyss of meaninglessness!
I pause not because I believe that I can judge the cosmos in precision, but only because I know that all will be futile.

I've been contemplating of reaching someone or some place through my writing soon a day!
But if the course is as though the whole humanity is hell bent on the verdict that I can never produce anything out of the seen and ordinary of normalcy to offer, then I refuse to sell my mind from today.

From now,
Beloved Ayn Rand,
I'm on strike aganist this unreal world,
I refuse to alter my convictions to the majority's illusion of truth,
From this moment!

The world can never be a peaceful palce.
Yes, that is the only right and there is no truth.
Every idea that excites you to whichever orgasmic core, can still never be the reality that is approaching you. Delusions are the only distinguishing evidence of our grand existence. The delusionso f fear, hope, wrath, despair, love anger, anxiety and all of those form m the amorphous wraiths. The best will never stop till the human heart refuses to pump!

The aftermath is all, but futile.
The abyss is black.
The abyss is a void.
The abyss is full.
The abyss is empty.
The abyss is eternal.
Abyss is the death.
Abyss is the afterlife.
Abyss is the circle of life..
At certain junctures, it, the life becomes a hunt and a wild-goose-chase for peeping or guessing the tomorrow. The persistence dullness surfaces when life is drained to the utmost and contact with the external stops.
Every individual has the right to oppose, accept or reject the ways of society. If you're an academic, free to boast, live, spend , frolic and folly around, then why am I not allowed to choose my life the way I want as well. In that respect, I certainly hate the likes of you because the world has chosen to praise your choice, and trash mine. I wonder how many of my co-patriots have shed their life in the dungeons of unbreakable pain and suffering till their rotten last breath! The point to digest is, neither adds to the progress of the society nor the success. this owes to the fact the all the interdependent factors in this cosmos supersedes the meagre individual effects or, likewise.

Briefly put,
We insignificantly significant
Significantly insignificant.

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