Thursday, March 5, 2015

It is lucid that I wait, and I will.

I have walked all them roads that you told me I shouldn't,
I have felt all them things you said I shouldn't.

I have talked all them things you told me I shouldn't do,
To talk about.
I have felt all those things you told me I should think,
To write about.

Now, in these woods.
Where the paths lead me to everywhere.
Astounded and bliisful.
I rest to stand, till you join me again, my Love.

I saw you.
I touched you.
I drank you.

Nothing has changed.
The peace is safe within your hairy chest.
You could not hold me,
While I wanted to squeeze you.

You meant, not yet.
It took me a while to understand the new you.
The solid you.
The you I lived with for these three years were the burps of my memories of a distant yesterday beside you.
I will let you go in grace.
 Because I know nothing can change the peace. And nothing makes the least difference in that intact a peace.
The world thinks they know you.
The world thinks they know me.
But it is you who know me.
And it is I who know you.
But we will never know that knowing.
Of being the sole knowers of each other.

I run in peace, my love.

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